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Thursday, November 21, 2024

Sweet Beulah Land


In the Christian allegory “Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan, Beulah Land is a place of peace near the end of the Christian life, on the border of the Celestial City. The River of Death separates Beulah from the New Jerusalem, the city on a hill.

Squire Parsons, contemporary writer and singer, is the writer of this hymn. He was born in Newton, West Virginia, in 1948, to Squire and Maysel Parsons. He was introduced to music by his grandfather, Will, and his father, who was a choir director and deacon at Newton Baptist Church.  Squire’s father taught him to sing using shaped notes.

Parsons surrendered his heart to Christ at age 9 and began his song writing ventures 11 years later. He studied music at West Virginia University Institute of Technology where he majored in voice and bassoon. Following graduation, he accepted a teaching position at Hannan High School in West Virginia and served as music director at various churches.

While still a student, he was employed as a bass soloist for Christ United Methodist Church, in Charleston, West Virginia. He later said it was a wonderful experience because he was exposed to the Christian classics, which influenced some of his later writing.

In 1975, Parsons was ordained as a minister at Trinity Baptist Church in Asheville, North Carolina. He joined the Kingsmen Quartet in 1975 and toured with them for four years before embarking on a solo career.

One of the songs his father led the congregation in singing was a song called, “Is This the Land of Beulah.” Parson said: “It seemed my father’s face would glow and the entire congregation seemed to be swept up into a wonderful prospect of the eternal land about which they were singing. That image stayed with me for years. My father was looking into Beulah Land as he sang.”

Years later, Parson was driving to a teaching job and thinking back to that service in the little church, humming the same sweet song. Just as he topped one of the mountains, he was faced with a view of the brilliant sun and all its glory. He suddenly began to sing again, only this time it was a different song, one he had never heard before. He was singing the chorus to what became his most known song, “Sweet Beulah Land.”

When he got to the school he sat down and wrote a verse to go with the chorus. He then put the song away and another five years went by before he wrote the second verse. He recorded the song, and it launched him into the ministry of traveling as a gospel singer and songwriter.

In later years he was the lead singer of “The Squire Parsons Trio.” He and his wife, Linda, live in Leicester, North Carolina. He has survived leukemia and open-heart surgery. In April 2019, Parsons announced his retirement from touring due to declining health after “life-saving surgery.

Sweet Beulah Land” was written in 1973 and recorded in 1979. In 1981 it became a #1 song and was awarded Song of the Year by the Singing News Fan Awards. From there it was recorded by countless artists.

Among Parson’s most popular compositions are: “The Master of the Sea,” “Walk On,” “I Sing Because,” and “Sweet Beulah Land.” His music has been sung by many great gospel singers in our lifetime.

Jim Brady, who sings with his wife, Melissa, and is now back with The Booth Brothers said: “Squire’s music was the soundtrack of my childhood. It is a direct reflection of his deep walk with the Lord.

Verse One
I’m kind of homesick for a country,
To which I’ve never been before.
No sad goodbyes will there be spoken,
For time won’t matter anymore.

Philippians 1:23b
“I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far., Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary: The apostle’s difficulty was not between living in this world and living in heaven; between these two there is no comparison; but between serving Christ in this world and enjoying Him in another. Not between two evil things, but between two good things; living to Christ and being with Him. See the power of faith with Christ, we shall escape sin and temptation, sorrow and death, forever. But those who have most reason to desire to depart, should be willing to remain in the world as long as God has any work for them to do. And the more unexpected mercies are before they come, the more of God will be seen in them., David Guzik: Paul knew that death was not a defeat to the Christian. It is merely a graduation to glory, a net gain for the Christian.

Isaiah 62:4
No longer will they call you Deserted or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married., Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible: But thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah; the former of these was the name of Hezekiah’s mother, and a fit name for the church of Christ, who is pleasant to Him for delights. The latter clause explains “Beulah” which signifies “married,” as the church secretly was to Christ from all eternity., David Guzik: But you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah: The days of Forsaken and Desolate will one day pass. There will come a day when Zion and God’s people will know that God delights in them (Hephzibah means “My delight is in her”. There will come a day when Zion and God’s people will know the unbroken presence and love of God, as a wife should know the presence and love of her husband (Beulah means “Married”). “With such economy of words and beauty of imagery Isaiah depicts the loving unanimity that characterize Zion and her intimate union with the Lord – which foresees as the marriage of the Lamb.”

 Verse Two
I’m looking now, just across the river,
To where my faith, shall end in sight.
There’s just a few more days to labor,
Then I will take my heavenly flight.”


Psalm 46:4
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.”, David Guzik: The psalmist pictured the abundant, constant provision of a river for Jerusalem. The image is significant because Jerusalem does not in fact have such a river, only a few small streams. Yet the prophets anticipated the day when a mighty river would flow from the temple itself. The future reality is already in the mind of the psalmist.

Revelation 22:1
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb., Barnes’ Notes on the Whole Bible: In the New Jerusalem; the happy abode of the redeemed. The phrase “water of life” means living or running water, like a spring or fountain, as contrasted with a stagnant pool. The allusion here is doubtless to the first Eden, where a river watered the garden, and as this is a description of Eden recovered, or Paradise regained, it was natural to introduce a river of water also, yet in such a way as to accord with the general description of that future abode of the redeemed. It does not spring up, therefore, from the ground, but flows from the throne of God and the Lamb. Perhaps, also, the writer had in his eye on the description in Ezekiel 47:1-2, where a stream issues from under the temple, and is parted in different directions. Closely allied with this is the picture so common in Scripture of the fountain of life., Barclay’s Daily Bible Study: This picture has many sources in the Old Testament. At its back is the river which watered the Garden of Eden and made it fruitful (Genesis 2:8-16). Still closer is Ezekiel’s picture of the river which issued from the Temple (Ezekiel 47:1-7). The Psalmist sings of the river whose streams make glad the city of God (Psalms 46:4). “A fountain,” says Joel, “shall come forth from the house of the Lord” (Joel 3:18). “Living waters,” says Zechariah, “shall flow out from Jerusalem” (Zechariah 14:8).

Beulah Land, I’m longing for you,
And some day on thee I’ll stand.
There my home shall be eternal,
Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”, Clarke’s Commentary: God has deeply rooted the idea of eternity in every human heart; and every considerate man sees, that all the operations of God refer to the endless duration . . . And it is only in eternity that man will be able to discover what God has designed by the various works He has formed., David Guzik: The Preacher understood that man has an awareness and a longing for the eternal, and that God has put this in their hearts. We can say that eternity is in our hearts because we are made in the image of an eternal God . . . “God made man in His image; and nothing more surely attests to the greatness of our origin that those faculties of the soul which are capable of yearning for, conceiving, and enjoying the Infinite, the Immortal, and the Divine . . . Every appetite in nature and grace has its appropriate satisfaction.” (Meyer)

This hymn’s powerful lyrics convey a deep longing for a place called Beulah Land, a spiritual home that offers eternal peace and joy. The song expresses a desire to leave behind the troubles and sorrows of this world and embrace the promise of a heavenly destination.

The depth and emotion captured in the lyrics of “Sweet Beulah Land” resonate with many listeners, providing comfort and hope in times of struggle and uncertainty. It offers solace to those who long for a better world, free from pain and suffering. The song encourages believers to keep their faith strong,


I am indebted to the following resources:, David Yardley, Marcella Patrick

By His Grace . . .


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Room at the Cross for You


Ira F. Stanphill, writer of this hymn, traveled by covered wagon as a child from Arkansas to New Mexico, then later moved to Oklahoma and Kansas. He was born on February 14, 1914, in New Mexico. His parents were musical people and always active in church work.

The family settled in Coffeyville, Kansas, where he received his high school and college education. He was converted to Christ at the age of 12 and was called to the Christian ministry, while attending the Assembly of God church. At age 15 he became host of a radio program.

Even though he had only a year of piano instruction, Ira’s natural musical ability soon made him proficient in piano, organ, ukelele, and the accordion.

At 17 he wrote his first gospel song and traveled for several years with evangelists. Stanphill began preaching at 22 in revival meetings and later served pastorates in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

One of his unique practices during a meeting was to produce a new gospel song from suggested titles received from the audience. This one was penned in 1945, as a result of such a suggestion given to him on a Sunday morning. While he did not write the song during the sermon, he returned home that afternoon and when he cleaned out the scraps of paper from his pocket, he became impressed with this title, quickly writing both words and music.

Stanphill said that he wrote gospel songs because he loves God and God loves him; that most of his songs were the outgrowth of real experiences, and that he thought that they appealed to people because he also had trials, heartaches, and sorrows, so he knew what he wrote about. 

Stanhill retired in 1979 and became active in an itinerant music ministry.  A few of his titles that are familiar and still performed today include “Suppertime,” “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow,” “I Walk with His Hand in Mine,” and “We’ll Talk It Over.” His death occurred less than two months shy of his eightieth birthday in Overland Park, Kansas, on December 30, 1993. 

The hymn focuses our attention on the blessings of the cross. Stanza one points out that the cross brings to mankind the grace of God by which we can be saved. Stanza two points out that the cross brings us into friendship with Jesus by which He welcomes us. Stanza three points out that the cross brings us the love of Christ by which He cleanses us. The chorus lets us know that regardless of how many come to the cross, there is always room for all who wish to be saved.

The message of God’s great love displayed at Calvary is designed to move the lost to obey and receive salvation.  Christians should resolve to invite needy sinners to come, reminding them that there’s room at the cross for you.

Room at the Cross for You” was used as the closing theme of the national broadcast Revival Time for many years. Only eternity will reveal the number who have been directed to Christ through this one gospel hymn that reminds us that there is always room at the cross for one more sinner.

Verse One
The cross upon which Jesus died,
Is a shelter in which we can hide;
And its grace so free is sufficient for me,
And deep is its fountain as wide as the sea.

 Psalm 143:9
Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, for I hide myself in you., Barnes’ Notes on the Whole Bible: The Hebrew is, “I hide myself with Thee”; that is, I take refuge with Thee; I put myself under Thy protection; I make myself thus secure, as Thou art secure., Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: David, upon perceiving the imminent danger to which he was exposed, betook himself to the covert of God’s shadow, and concealed himself under the protection of it. This seems a very natural rendering . . . that David, instead of having recourse to various quarters for relief, was satisfied to have God cognizant of his case, and called upon Him in a hidden manner and apart., Dr. Constables Expository Notes: David wanted guidance from God . . . deliverance from his enemies . . . teaching from God’s Spirit who would provide safe direction . . . and restoration from the attacks of his enemies. Each of these petitions also contains some reference to trust in God . . . Even when God’s people sin, they can appeal to the Lord for help and restoration on the basis of His faithfulness and righteousness. This psalm beautifully combines humble requests and appreciation for God’s character.

Verse Two
Tho millions have found Him a friend,
And have turned from the sins they have sinned,
The Savior still waits to open the gates,
And welcomes a sinner before it’s too late.”
John 15:14
You are my friends if you do what I command.”, Dr. Constable’s Expository Notes: “Friend” is a relative term such as “abiding” or “fellowship.” A person can be a casual friend, a close friend, or an intimate friend depending on his or her love and loyalty. Likewise, all believers are God’s friends in one sense, but abiding believers are His friends on a deeper level because they seek to obey Him consistently . . . What is the difference between a servant of God and an intimate friend of God? Jesus proved to His disciples that they were His friends as well as His servants but pointing out that a master shares His plans with His friends but not with His slaves.

Psalm 118:20
This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter.”, Matthew Henry: The psalmist desires admission into the sanctuary of God, there to celebrate the glory of Him that cometh in the name of the Lord: Open to me the gates of righteousness . . . those that would enter into communion with God in holy ordinances must become humble suitors to God for admission. And when the gates of righteousness are opened to us, we must go into them, must enter into the holiest and praise the Lord. Our business within God’s gates is to praise God; therefore we should long till the gates of heaven be opened to us, that we may go into them to dwell in God’s house above, where we shall be still praising Him. 

Verse Three
“The hand of my Savior is strong,
And the love of my Savior is long;
Through sunshine or rain, through loss or in gain,
The blood flows from Calvary to cleanse every stain.”

 1 Peter 5:6
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.”, Matthew Poole’s Commentary: The mighty hand of God means God’s omnipotence, which sometimes is called a strong hand, a mighty hand, the right hand of power, by which He is able to beat down those that are proud and high, and to defend or exalt those that are humble and lowly.

Jeremiah 31:3
“The Lord appeared to us [Israel] in the past saying: “[Yes] I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”, David Guzik: God assured Israel of this by starting with “Yes” . . . the love it describes is God’s love for every believer. “You must go back beyond your birth, beyond Calvary and Bethlehem, beyond the fall of man and the Garden of Eden, and as you stand looking out into the immensity of eternity, dare to believe that you were loved and chosen in Christ, the object of God’s most tender solicitude and pity.” (Meyer)

“There’s room at the cross for you,
There’s room at the cross for you,
Tho millions have come, There’s still room for one,
Yes, there’s room at the cross for you.

John 14:2
“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?”, Dr. Constable’s Expository Notes: There are many dwelling places, meaning “to abide” or “remain” in heaven. . . The picture that Jesus painted of heaven is a huge building with many rooms or suites of rooms in which people reside. The emphasis is not on the lavishness of the facility as much as its adequacy to accommodate all believers.

There’s Room at the Cross for You” continues to live on and change lives. In the book, “Stories Behind 50 Southern Gospel Favorites” by Lindsay Terry, a story is told of Willard Cantelon, an evangelist, and Al Garr, his song leader. They were holding a crusade when a young man, lost in depression and having decided to end it all with suicide, walked by during the service on his way to a nearby bridge to take his life. He heard Garr singing “There’s Room at the Cross for You” and was so gripped by the message that he stopped and walked inside. His life was forever changed, and he gave his life to God. The man would later become an evangelist in his own right.


I am indebted to the following resources:
101 More Hymn Stories, Kenneth W. Osbeck
Amazing Grace, Kenneth W. Osbeck

By His Grace . . .

Thursday, November 7, 2024



There are many attributes of the Lord that should prompt our response of adoration and worship: His holiness, His power, His love, His mercy, His grace. This hymn reminds us that Christ’s dominion over principalities, His power, and His absolute majesty in heaven are for the benefit of all who trust and follow Him here and now.

This is a popular contemporary song by Jack Hayford. Most of us can remember hearing and singing it in earlier years.  It was written in 1977 on a trip to Great Britain.

Hayford and his wife, Anna, traveled through the land of Great Britain from the south country and Wales to the northern parts of Scotland. It was the year of Queen Elizabeth’s 25th anniversary of her coronation. Symbols of royalty were abundantly present.

Hayford left this account of the writing of the hymn: “In 1977 while traveling in Great Britain I developed interest in the actions and symbols of the royal family, relating them to Christ and His kingdom . . . I was completely caught up in the emotion of the occasion.

“As I walked among the people, I sensed a feeling of grandeur and nobility. And yet, as I looked about, I sensed that even though individuals are greatly used in the course of man's existence on this earth, there is a greater power, the one who is the Author of our destiny.

“I sensed the deep appreciation in the hearts of the people for their leaders who stood with them in dark hours. As I observed those things there came to my mind a feeling that Christ wants His church to have such a sense of loyalty and fellowship, because He must be our guide in good times and bad.

“One word seemed to continually charge to the forefront: MAJESTY! Yet, the things I saw seemed but a paltry reminder of the royal legacy we enjoy as we worship the majesty of our Risen Lord.”

Majesty” describes the Kingly and Gloriously regal nature of our Savior. It is a statement of the fact that our worship, when begotten in spirit and in truth, can align us with His throne in such a way that His Kingdom authority flows to us—to overflow us, to free us and channel through us. We are rescued from death, restored to the inheritance of sons and daughters, qualified for victory in battle, against the adversary, and destined for the Throne forever in His presence.

We need to cultivate a sense of the Majestic Presence of God. He is a close Friend, but He is also the Majestic, Holy Awesome God of the universe and we need constant reminding not to take His Royal Presence lightly. In this short song we are called to recognize His Majesty and then ascribe the Glory due His name.”

Jack William Hayford was born in Los Angeles in 1934, the eldest child of Jack Hayford Sr. and Dolores Farnsworth Hayford. His parents were not Christians and didn’t turn to prayer when infant Jack developed a condition in the tendons of his neck that could have been fatal.

A Farnsworth cousin, however, walked into a Foursquare church in Long Beach, California, knowing the Pentecostal denomination founded by Aimee Semple McPherson believed in miracles and that one of the four “squares” of the gospel that the church taught was healing. The cousin gave the church a note with Hayford’s name and diagnosis and asked the people there to pray. They said they would.

The next day, my parents began to notice that things had changed,” Hayford said, sharing his testimony 80 years later. “Within the next few days, the doctor said, ‘This baby is well. There is nothing wrong with him.’

“Not only did the doctor declare me well, he refused to take the money from my parents for the few payments he was going to charge, because, he said, ‘I had nothing to do with the healing of this baby.  This has to have been something God did.’

“Hayford’s parents praised God for the healing. A year later, they went to the same church and went forward to accept Jesus as the congregation sang, ‘Whoever Will May Come.’”

Hayford grew up in the Foursquare Pentecostal tradition, attending L.I.F.E. Bible College (now Life Pacific College), graduating in 1956 and completing his studies at Azusa Pacific University in 1970.

In 1969 Hayford became pastor of the First Foursquare Church of Van Nuys, California, which was then a struggling, aging congregation with only 20 members. He was also dean of students at L.I.F.E. and agreed to lead the congregation on a temporary basis for six months.

But after receiving a call to a much larger congregation, he decided to stay with the smaller church in Van Nuys. By 1980 it had been renamed “The Church on the Way” and membership was over 3,500.

Hayford retired as pastor in 1999. He was a prolific writer with at least 55 books. He’s received numerous awards as a pastor and author, and has received honorary doctorates from Oral Roberts University, California Graduate School of Theology and Life Pacific College. Hayford died at the age of 88 in 2023.

Majesty, worship His Majesty,
Unto Jesus, be all glory, honor and praise!
Majesty, Kingdom authority, flows from His throne,
Unto His own, His anthem raise.
So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus.
Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King.
Majesty, worship His Majesty,
Jesus who died, now glorified,
King of all kings."

Psalm 93:1
The Lord reigns, He is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.”, David Guzik: This psalm was written in all likelihood after some deliverance Jehovah wrought for His people, but through the open window the singer, consciously or unconsciously, saw the far distance light of another day in which the Kingdom of God will be set up in His might, and the song of an established order shall be the anthem of His praise . . . God is adorned with the garments fitting His sovereignty; He is clothed with majesty and strength . . . Majesty has to do with dignity, authority of sovereign power, stateliness, and grandeur. God’s strength and majesty are not only displayed by His person, but also by what He does. In his strength, majesty, and genius, God has constructed a world that is firmly established and cannot be moved – unless He moves it.

Hebrews 1:3
“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful Word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.”, Contending for the Faith: The “radiance” of His glory in the Greek refers to the “shining or beaming forth of the glory, the display of it to the world.” Jesus, being the radiance of God’s glory, means He is a manifestation of the glory of God. He reflects the majesty of God; He perfectly reflects God’s “glory” meaning God’s “magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity, grace.” He reflects majesty in the sense of the absolute perfection of the deity . . . Jesus makes the invisible God visible.

2 Peter 1:16
“For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.”, Coffman’s Commentaries on the Bible: The “we” here refers to Peter, James and John, the three apostles with Jesus on the mount of transfiguration . . . Peter’s mention of the transfiguration in this context shows that he regarded it as “an event foreshadowing the power and majesty of the second advent and which could be regarded as a pledge of the glory to be revealed at the second coming.”

Micah 5:4
“He will stand and shepherd His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God. And they will live securely, for then His greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.”, Barnes’ Notes on the Whole Bible: As John says, “We beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-Begotten of His Father”; and He saith, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth”; so that the divine glory should shine through the majesty of His teaching, the power of His Grace, upholding His own, and the splendor of the miracles wrought by Him and in His Name.

Isaiah 24:14
“They raise their voices, they shout for joy; from the west they acclaim the Lord’s majesty., Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Bible: The great devotion of this remnant [Israel]   . . . they shall lift up their voice; they shall sing for joy in their deliverance . . . Those that rejoice in the Lord can rejoice in tribulation, and by faith may be in triumph when all about are in tears. They shall sing to the glory and praise of God, shall sing not only for the mercy but for the majesty of the Lord . . . The majesty of the Lord, which is a matter of terror to wicked people, furnishes the saints with songs of praise . . . it is much for the honor of God if those who fear Him rejoice in Him, and praise Him, even in the most melancholy times.

Sing it with a full heart, filled with happiness and joy!


I am indebted to the following resources:
Amazing Grace, by Kenneth W. Osbeck, Staff Writer

By His Grace . . .

He Lives

It was in 1932 when Alfred Ackley, writer of “ He Lives ,” was preaching at an evangelistic meeting, and a Jewish student said: “ Why should...